Many people wonder how the financial world will look like after the situation stabilizes in the longer term. What kind of people will earn good money and what type of services will be provided by financial institutions?
I think that financial industry will still be an important sector in the economy in the future. Stock markets and bond markets will still be there. There will be people managing the risk and allocation of other peoples money. However, the wild-wild west of last decade is over. It will no more be possible that people will earn millions just because they were lucky and some risky bets turned out to be profitable. I think that financial industry will resemble more and more the law industry. What would count most would be reputation, knowledge and hard-work. Those who count on quick-profit in a short term will be forced to look for different profession.
I think that the changes that are about to reshape the financial industry will favour people with solid skills and strong educational background. I suppose that CFA or other technical certificate like (PRM or FRM or CAIA) will be prerequisite for any front office position in any financial organization.
Certificates and good education will be a proof of you knowledge and will improve vastly your reputation. The will be no place in financial industry, where 0-education and no technical knowledge will be enough to get millions!
My prediction is that the financial industry will start hiring around summer 2009... But only those well educated and reliable will be employed.
PS: If you have any questions, or you want to talk, please join discussion at
Merry Christmas!